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norman n. li

dr.norman, member of the national academy of engineering of usa, foreign member of the chinese academy of sciences, and member of the academia sinica in taiwan.

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robin john batterham

prof. robin john batterham,member of u.s. national academy of engineering, foreign member of the chinese academy of engineering, and forign member of swiss academy of technology and science.

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rudolph arthur marcus

prof.rudolph arthur marcus, winner of nobel prize for chemistry, 1992, is a famous professor at california institute of technology, foreign member of the chinese academy of sciences and member of the national academy of sciences of usa.

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robert grubbs

prof.robert grubbs was born in marshall county, kentucky, usa in 1942,he finished his high school from paducah tilghman high school in paducah, kentucky, and then went to do his bs and ms in chemistry from the university of florida.

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kechang xie

prof.kechang xie, committee member of the chinese people’s political consultative conference, vice chairman of china association of science and technology, deputy director general of the science and technology committee of the ministry of education.

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xianghong cao

mr.xianghong cao, member of the chinese academy of engineering and director of chemical & engineering center, was a senior vice president at sinopec , mr.cao has been engaged in petrochemical production and management for many years.

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jiankun he

prof.jiankun he, professor and former vice president of the tsinghua university, he is also the deputy director-general of china energy research institute and director-general of tsinghua university 3 e research institute.

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yong jin

prof.yong jin, member of the chinese academy of engineering and professor of the department of chemical engineering at the tsinghua university, is the president of chemical science and technology research institute.

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c. c. chan

prof.c.c.chan is a member of chinese academy of engineering, fellow of the royal academy of engineering u k , member of ukrainian academy of engineering sciences and honorary fellow of hungarian academy of engineering.

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monty alger

dr.monty alger is a member of national academy of engineering of usa, technology vice president and chief technical officer of air products company, usa.

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